Friday, January 10, 2025

Be on guard for 2026 into 2027. Weakening Russia conventionally reduces its defense to nuclear.


Weakening Russia Conventionally Leaves Only Nuclear War

Churchill on Truth

QUESTION: Hello, thank you for unique comments and alternative views on the Russia-Ukraine war as regards to Nato expansion and neocons et cetera. We sure seem to be racing towards WWIII.

It would be interesting if you would care to comment on the inability of Russia, despite support on the ground from North Korea, to kick out Ukraine’s counter-invasion in Russia’s Southern Kursk region.
Is it a sign of weakness from Russia’s military or is it some kind of Russian 3D-chess tactic?
What if Mexican tanks rolled into Arizona or Canadian tanks invaded New Hampshire?

Kind regards,



Video Player


ANSWER: Unfortunately, our NEOCONS project the image that the USA is an imperial power that wants to conquer the world. In turn, this has only emboldened the NEOCONS inside Russia and China, and they judge all Americans by the actions of our NEOCONS because nobody will speak up or dare to challenge them.

Video Player


Having two employees in Ukraine certainly helped when we have people on the ground to get to the truth. I warned the computer had projected Ukraine was the place where World War III would begin. The NEOCONS protected the Ukrainian Nazis, despite the fact that the horrors they committed even shocked the Germans from documented cases of cutting out babies from pregnant women and sowing in a live cat. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Ukraine – a very dark side.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The deliberate fake peace negotiation to buy time to build this army to invade Russia was just deplorable. The mere fact that Merkel was part of this deception to create World War III intentionally was unbelievable. Why would anyone negotiate with the West when they lie about everything?

ECM Ukraine Russia War

The problem we face is that this authorization for Ukraine to use long-range missiles to attack Russia while losing the Donbas daily demonstrates that Zelensky is a real Judas taking orders from the NEOCONS, and this is to weaken Russia. They may be able to weaken Russia conventionally to prepare for a NATO invasion using some false flag perhaps by May this year, but they are counting on the fact that Russia will never push the button, so they will be able to walk in and conquer the country dividing the spoils of war.

USNDX Y Cash Chart 1 8 25

I do not see that scenario succeeding according to our computer. If I were a Russian, I  would push the button and destroy all of Europe if they invaded Russia. They NEVER consider what if they are wrong!  Be on guard for 2026 into 2027. Weakening Russia conventionally reduces its defense to nuclear. Hello! How stupid can these people be? Why do you think the dollar elected 3 Yearly Bullish Reversals at the end of 2024? While everyone is focused on the Fed and Debt, they are not paying attention externally to the US economy. NATO is a threat to world peace!

Marxism should end in Europe by 2037


Polls Against Scholz


The next German election will be held on February 23, and if recent polls are of any indication, Chancellor Olaf Scholz may be out of work. The Social Democrats (SPD) are part of a global trend of political parties that have pushed their nations so far to the left that the people are voting to the right.

Bild newspaper believed SPD’s favorability declined one point to 15.5% since December. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and sister party the Christian Social Union (CDU) are leading the polls at 31%. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party rose in popularity by one percentage point to 21.5%.


The Greens did see a 1.5 percentage point rise but they are only standing at 13.5% favorability, which marks their highest support level since 2023. All other parties are beneath the 5% level as people are completely done with the direction of the left.

Open borders, climate change, the woke agenda, and endless wars have pushed citizens worldwide to a breaking point. Progressive policies have failed. We saw the celebrated shift in Italy when Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy Party took office in 2022. Marine Le Pen of France won a majority of seats with the National Rally. The Netherlands saw Geert Wilders’ Party of Freedom win a large portion of seats in the House of Representative. The tide is shifting across Europe.

The German government basically collapsed under Scholz’s watch. He left a massive hole in their budget and sacrificed economic sovereignty for Brussels. The left also lost America’s protection of Germany now that Biden is leaving office. The left is simply losing internationally as the people can no longer tolerate the failing Marxist agenda.

We had a directional change in 2024 and should see a recession sharply into 2026 into 2028. Marxism should end in Europe by 2037 but it will be a long road to get there. In the short term, all incoming governments will be forced to undo the mistakes of prior regimes while accepting that some of the damage cannot be undone.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Why the US Conviction Rate approaches 99% in USA


MKUltra How to Survive

MCC the Hole

Let me explain something. MKUltra is currently used in prisons. This is the “hole” at MCC in New York City. When I heard Epstein was put in this place, I wrote it was only a question if he would commit suicide BEFORE or AFTER a plea. Oh yes. He hung himself, had no bunkie, was on suicide watch, guards fell asleep, and the camera didn’t work. A perfect storm. My own lawyers warned me to be careful; they would try to kill me. How is that for legal advice? I knew Epstein would be dead based on where they put him. I was in the cell across from where he supposedly committed suicide – yeah! ON CIVIL CONTEMPT, no less – not criminal. This is a jail – not a prison. No outdoor yard or Bocce courts.

Bloomberg Hole

A plea of guilty means NOTHING. You are given the choice of trial and 120 years since you will NEVER get a fair trial in NYC, or you plea and take 5 years. Claiming these January 6th prisoners plead guilty is only because they and their families are threatened. That is our legal SYSTEM. Will Trump investigate? I seriously doubt it. The Deep State controls the country, and nobody in DC will challenge them so much for We the People.

Rakoff Why_the_Innocent_Plead_Guilty_and_the_Guilty_Go_Free

Judge Rakoff, when he retired, wrote a book on how the government ROUTINELY forces innocent people to plead guilty all the time. I have written that I do not believe in the death penalty as being the worst punishment. That is life imprisonment. Two death row inmates who Biden commuted their sentences just rejected it. I would do the same. Trump is DEAD WRONG on the death penalty. It is NEVER a deterrent. That is pure bullshit.  Make it the choice of the inmate – life or death. Many would choose death over being tortured mentally for the rest of their lives. You want a deterrent, a prosecutor should suffer the punishment he imposes on an innocent person. Now, you will start to clean up the legal system.

More than 50% of the people in federal prison are innocent. The guilty go free because they know the game. You implicate and bring in as many people as you can and you go home. I met priests in prison who thought they were being kind and wire money to China. He thought to help a family, and the person was a drug dealer who asked him to please help his family. A superintendent of an apartment building was given 17 years because drug dealers said he would let them know if the police were entering the building. They tried to give the death penalty to a 26-year-old who, when asked where Joe was, replied he was over there, and they killed him. The prosecutors are the worst people you will ever meet. They wanted the death penalty on that kid just to win one in NYC for once – not the shooters.

To survive these MKUltra Tactics, you MUST turn it into a game like the TV series Survivor. They would throw me in a cell that was so hot that my underwear was too much to wear. They throw you into a cell that is so cold you see your breath and deny you any clothing but your underwear. Sleep deprivation is also a favorite. You have to turn it mentally into a survivor game. Ok, I beat that one – what’s next? They threw me in with the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. A Muslim cannot be seen naked. They would come and order you to take off all your clothes and claim the guy is behind them with fresh clothes that never came. No heat. I told the kid to put on the blanket. He said no, they told him it was made of pig hear. I told him they were liars. There is no such thing. It is wool. He finally believed me. All the time, my family tried to see me, but they told them I was not there.

This is why the US Conviction Rate approaches 99% in USA

Fair Trials Do NOT Exist

And there is ABSOLUTELY Nobody who will defend the people there.

Court Appointed Lawyers are there to get you to plead only!!!

Politicians turn a blind eye, and the ACLU will NEVER even respond

to a plea for help

Do not Donate to Them or Wikipedia – It’s All Bullshit

Never let your daughter marry a prosecutor!

All I ever heard was: Where is the code?

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Iran – When will it Fall?

Posted Dec 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Iran 2

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I do hope you hold your conference in the Dubai. I know you have a number of staff there. I recall that you had a projection for Iran to begin its decline and fall and end up with yet another revolution. I believe it was starting in 2024 and I think it would end by 2032. can you provide an update on Iran?

%thank you so much for y9ur kindness.


Iran Pahlavi Gold half Pahlavi

ANSWER: Yes, the start would be 2024 which was 72 years from the 1952 uprising. We are also looking at the collapse of the Iranian government – not just Republics. This is a global political reset. Iran will completely collapse by 2030. It will not make it to 2032. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is facing the fall his proxy terror groups throughout the Middle East. However, my sources have confirmed to me that Turkey advised both Iran and Russia not to intervene for they were in truth taking down Syria. I believe Putin has read between the lines, but Iran did not. Turkey in making its play for checkmate on the Middle East.

I have not yet made the decision for Dubai. I want to see if Trump is actually sworn in first. There are some very dark forces still at work and they intend to lead the world into war

Friday, June 7, 2024

Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

Posted Jun 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Soros Austin Defund Police

The defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive practices and an uptick in crime have become political tools.

ZipRecruiter conducted a new survey that found law enforcement training has become the hardest skill to find for employers with 13,179 vacancies. Some cities have resorted to completely shutting down their operations, such as the Pittsburgh police who have some precents completely vacant from 3 AM to 7 AM ET. “One hundred percent, this is about staffing,” said Robert Swartzwelder, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 1. “You have a recruitment, retention and rhetoric problem.” The Pittsburgh police force has declined by around 40% in recent decades as more officers quit or seek retirement. We are seeing this happen across the United States.

European Revolutionary Cycle

172 Yr Revolutrion Cycle
Governments fall when the police no longer offer them protection. This is one of the reasons why some cities are pushing to fill officer vacancies with migrants. All it takes it the police to side with the people over the government for everything to collapse.

Stages of Revolution
This entire issue of rioting against the police is historically part of the Revolutionary Cycle that takes place in five stages:

Stage 1: Whistleblower Disagreements; Discontentment Grows 
Stage 2: Initial Conflict Begins; Economy Begins to Decline
Stage 3: Civil Unrest Peaks
Stage 4: Revolution
Stage 5: Recovery


Revolution Civil WarPolitical Revolution
The FIRST STAGE in a revolution is always the rise of intellectual whistleblower disagreement, which the government simply ignores as a passing phase. This stage is the realization of corruption and injustice of governmental rule. Perhaps the symbolization of this was the revelation of Edward Snowden that the government was violating the constitution and abusing its power against the people, constructing a 100% surveillance state tapping into every phone call and email account of every citizen. Then there was the British whistleblower Katharine Gun, who they charged but could not put on trial without exposing themselves. They labeled both as traitors as if the government possessed inherent power of sovereignty and the people were the great unwashed economic slaves.

Brussels_protest_11 21 21
The SECOND STAGE is where the intellectual debates prove pointless, and the initial conflict begins. This corruption has run its course, and governments have transformed justice into their own self-interest. This stage is usually accelerated by governments raising taxes in the midst of an economic decline. The economic hardships may vary per individual, but as a whole, they will tend to focus upon the prosecutorial arm of government, which includes the police, who will far too often claim they are moral under the pretense of simply following orders.

Lenin Statue Fell
This is when history will typically produce some leader who can be a moderate who sees the problem and will often try to reason in order to reach a resolution that is ignored by the government. This further intensifies the feelings of injustice, especially in light of the economic decline. The leadership can also be seized by extremists who demand complete change, such as Lenin. This initial stage results in the first demands change with protests rising. The mobs rarely are able even to articulate the reform because they then make demands that they want certain actions that go far beyond what they actually need. This is where mobs will often turn to revenge rather than justice. Governments will typically refuse to reform and become often very defensive.

Therefore, the second stage is one of rising protests and discontent with initial confrontation against the government who relies upon the police state they have created. As long as the police continue to support the government against the people, this will inevitably lead to the next revolutionary stage.

Franklin on RevolutionIrreconcible Revolution
The THIRD STAGE is where it often becomes an outright war in the streets as governments seek to retain power and refuse to see the error of their ways. In revolutions like the Nika Revolt of 532 AD, the police side with the people or stand back. In the case of the Ukrainian Revolution against Yanukovich, once the police saw that the people coming to the aid of the president were Russians, the police switched sides and supported the people. In the case of the Nika Revolt, the government called in the army, who then massacred the people and the police. In the case of the American Revolution, the central power was in England and not local. This allowed the local authorities to differentiate themselves from the British.

1848 French RevolutionFrench guillotine revolution Beheading Louis

The FOURTH STAGE is retribution in a domestic revolution in direct confrontation with the government and head of state. In the case of the American Revolution, the head of state was not within reach. However, they confiscated property and hung those who supported the king. Of course, in the case of the Russian Revolution, they executed the entire Romanov family. This is the phase of evening the score for years of suppression and injustice.

The former head of state is often publicly killed, and typically all their ministers. This was the case not just during the Russian Revolution but the French Revolution with Louis XVI and his wife and the English Revolution, where they seized King Charles I and beheaded him in public as well. There have also been incidents of assassination even after a loss, as was the case with Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

The FIFTH STAGE is typically the recovery stage, where a new form of government emerges from the ashes. The intelligent political moderates take power, as was the case in the United States, typically based on the ideas of some Utopian system. Once again, this differs insofar as the political power was in England rather than America, so there was not a wholesale murder campaign of all former ministers. In the case of the French Revolution, after the retribution stage, even the moderates were killed by the radicals led by Robespierre, who seized control. As the French Revolution fell into the hands of Robespierre (1758-1794), he began a Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793-July 27, 1794) that would come to an end with his own death. This was followed by more uprisings and eventually the French Constitution was drafted (August 22-September 23, 1795), and approved with the Directory taking power.

During this recovery stage, the radicals are usually overthrown, and sometimes, a new head of state emerges, such as Napoleon or Oliver Cromwell. In the case of the United States, where the former head of state was not local, the bureaucracy began, and we saw the rise of political parties. Divisions emerge once again between opposing political views. At this point, there is the restoration of a sense of nationalism, but the cycle of corruption slowly begins to take root.

We are currently in the second stage of the revolutionary cycle and rapidly heading toward stage three as discontent grows.