The G20 Leaders’ Summit for 2014 is being held on November 15th and 16th in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The principal meeting venue will be the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. There will be as many as 4,000 delegates and 3,000 media representatives in attendance.
It is curious that the comes right in line with the turn in the Cycle of War that is ideally targeting November 19th/20th this week. The Leaders’ Summit is the key important event in the G20 year calendar. While the summit is supposed to provide a valuable opportunity for leaders to discuss a wide range of global economic issues and to use their collective power to improve people’s lives as they market, the truth is just about anything but that. The first summit was in 1985 and it was all about trying to coordinate market manipulation by ganging together. For you see, they experienced that nobody could manipulate the dollar not even the Fed. Hence, the first meeting was known as the G5 (Group of 5 aka Gang of 5). Latter other countries wanted to join so it became the G8. Today it is known as the G20.
Of course, that G5 manipulation created total havoc in the world economy. Its goal was rather stupid. They assumed that is they could lower the value of the dollar, they would create export jobs. I went public about this and warned they would increase volatility that would culminate in a market crash as capital fled the USA. That happened precisely to the day of the ECM on October 19th, 1987.
I was then called in by the Brady Commission to help in the investigation of the cause of the Crash. There were the typical expectations that a huge short-player caused the event. It was the G5. They look at everything with a one-dimensional view. Although they gather together still every year, they no longer try to manipulate the markets.
In 1997, the memories grew short. Here we had the Asian Currency Crisis and at that time it was Robert Rubin trying to talk the dollar down once again for trade. I had to write once more to warn them what they were doing was insane.
So all the question coming in about the G20, this is the real behind-the-curtain truth of what goes on. It has turned into a club meeting where they might as well be wearing hats with ears. The Summit, leaders will release a communiqué which outlines the G20 policy discussions and commitments. But let’s get real here – they have been coordinating on how to track money and agree to give up everyone everywhere because they are ALL BROKE!
Putin has already said he will leave the summit early when work is done implying he will not socialize because of the actions of Obama. Well as far as the Biblical saying Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God (Matthew 5:9), guess Obama figures he was given the Nobel Peace Prize and that counts; so why try to earn something you already have? The problem, I think they gave him the Nobel Prize for being the first black President, certainly for nothing he ever did. This man has done far more damage to world peace that any President since Truman.
So here we are. Strangely the Cycle of War targets this week. I have no idea what to expect. This cycle is both international war and domestic. They have converged for the first time since the 1700s. We are seeing the rise in tensions everywhere both internationally and domestically. Is the G20 the kick-starter?