The Fall of the Berlin Wall took place on November 9th, 1989 just 128 days later. This was about the same time difference between the birth of the Roman Republic overthrowing its king in 509BC and Athens overthrowing their tyrants in 508BC giving birth to democracy. The timing remains the same for it does not matter if news travels in 1 hours or one week. It is the amount of time it takes to spread among the population that counts.
You will notice that the collapse of Communism took place all by itself with the peak of the first 8.6 year wave from the birth of this Private Wave that began in 1985.65. This current wave of 2015.75 is 25.8 years from the 1989.95 event. This is the wave that should now begin the collapse of Socialism, which I have dubbed “Big Bang”. This should culminate in a major political reform 31.4 years from 1989.95 and that will be right after the conclusion of this wave in 2020 – 2021.35.
This is also the most dangerous part of this political transformation process historically for government will not go quietly into the light. They will rage against the fade of the light and their power. Policy makers have promised everything, yet funded nothing. It has been one scam after the next. They have used economic growth as the pretend growth that would lead to boosting living standards. Yet it has been constant rise in taxation to fill their pockets that has reduced the living standards for the Middle Class.
I wrote the op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on the Clinton pretend balance budget gimmick. That was accomplished by shortening the debt funding from long-term to short saving heaps of money because long-term rates were substantially higher than short-term. I find it absolutely ironic that here again we Hillary Clinton running against to the banks to make her the chosen one. She would certainly put the nail in the coffin of freedom as we know it and restore the Oligarchy that destroyed Rome and has prevented Russia from rising as did China.
The politicians always constantly blame the rich and claim that economic inequality among individuals is evil, yet they are the first to enrich themselves. There is economic inequality among nations that is directly linked to culture, education, and what they even want out of life. Russia faied to rise as did China for it did not invest in its economy, it simply relied upon its resources to bring in cash. The wealth of a nation is based upon its people – not its raw resources of commodities.
In Australia, they felt sorry for Aborigines who were sleeping outside and constructed public housing. But to them, they went in, took what they wanted, and returned to the riverbeds. From their perspective, living inside an apartment is like prison when you have the fresh air and the sky night. Yet we tend to judge others always by our own standards rather than looking at their ideas and goals.
Policy makers in governments have used debt and monetary tools to manipulate economic activity without success. This has resulted in excessive borrowing and imbalances in global trade and capital. Most governments have excessive national debts and that portion of debt increased by accumulative interest expenditure has hit about 70% in many nations.
The hyperinflationists have been dead wrong. They cannot grasp that government is not that stupid and instead are rather evil. The other side of this nightmare is the full authoritarian world they envision. Legislation like FATCA is shrinking the world economy at an alarming rate confirmed by the collapse in the VELOCITY of money which is in melt-down mode. The G20 nations are now all sharing info in search of money that can confiscate and you have local police just robbing the people – the police are no longer there to protect the people but are revenue agents with guns and wheels.
The frightening rumors coming from behind the curtain are pointing toward a real dark age of constructive communism. You will technically still own your house, but eliminating banks and taking all accounts into the management of government is their solution and the bankers are now willing to fund Hillary to try to stop that trend. The politicians know the Euro has undermined the banking system in Europe, but to actually correct the problem disturbs their power. Their solution is to maintain the Euro by sheer force.
Social programs will be reduced sharply. They assume they will be able to fund them by controlling all accounts and eliminating paper money. This is the collapse in socialism I have been warning about. They are arming the police as effectively military weapons to ensure the people do not revolt against their power. Everything they envisioned as the social fabric is coming undone because their power and position comes first.
Governments played a part, too, allowing the buildup of social entitlements to win or maintain office. Private companies also encouraged the growth of employee benefits to avoid immediate pressure on wages as well as boost current earnings and share prices. All of this is coming to a head. Europe and America depend on government whereas in former Soviet regions people do not trust government and have learned to reply upon family.
This time the Sovereign Debt Crisis is different. In 1931 when government defaulted, they wiped out the rich and bankers. This time, pension funds and insurance companies will be undermined and that will wipe out the future for many. Those in the West will have to learn the same lessons as the people who lived under communism. It’s just our turn up to bat.
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