Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The safest thing would be to buy paper no more out than 90 days and keep the cash rolling until we reach a point when the rates are peaking.

Interest Rates Lock & Load or Stay Nimble?

QUESTION:  Hi Marty,
I continue to read your blog and if I understand correctly, interest rates are going up.
My question is, can one profit from higher interest rates such as buying CD or bank stocks like Wells Fargo?
ANSWER: The one thing you do not want to do is buy CD with maturity. As rates go higher, you will be locked in and unable to take advantage of the rising rates. Bank stocks will not benefit from higher rates in general. So that is not a valid reason to buy bank stocks. The safest thing would be to buy US TBills or agency paper no more out than 90 days and keep the cash rolling in that area until we reach a point when the rates are peaking. Toward the end, the yield curve will invert so that means the short-term rates will exceed long-term when confidence is shaken.
In an upward cycle for interest rates, never lock & load – always stay nimble.

Unless its people are free to develop the economy in their own self-interest, they will never rise to the top ten list of nations.

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved 

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to gold-backed bonds like Nevada? This is the latest coming from the fringe which just seems so unrealistic any more. I am not sure why these people ignore the past.
Thank you;
ANSWER: The entire issue at its core is this endless desire to eliminate the business cycle. They pitch that ONLY gold is money and if we return to a gold standard that every evil will be cured. They believe that money must be “tangible” and as such, they fail completely to comprehend the true nature of the economy. If ONLY gold was money, then how did Germany, Japan, and China rise to the economic giants without gold and Russia has floundered ever since 1991 when they had the gold, oil, and diamonds? Kondratieff’s long-wave study observed that the rise and fall of the business cycle existed during the 19th & 20th centuries when the world was on a gold standard. The existence of a gold standard FAILED to eliminate the business cycle and it proved that a “tangible” based monetary system did not make money more valuable than a paper money system. Ironically, ever since 1776, we are still arguing over what is money? Should it be any commodity, paper, some fixed-exchange rate, or is the real wealth of a nation its people and their total capacity to produce? Is this why skilled labor forces and education raise the standard of living of a country than merely farming to grow food to sustain yourself? Julius Caesar said: Divide and Conquer. If the people come together and form interconnected economic bonds, the economy expands because the synergy of everyone collectively is greater than the individual sum of the parts.
The true Wealth of a Nation was observed and expressed by Adam Smith in 1776 and nobody has been able to demonstrate anything to the contrary. “Money” is by no means some tangible object or a commodity to be it gold, paper, cattle, slaves, or seashells. The true WEALTH OF A NATION is its people. China, Germany, and Japan lacked the natural resources but their people were its wealth and they produced manufactured goods which they sold to the world and were paid for in return. A country can have tremendous natural resources like Russia, but unless its people are free to develop the economy in their own self-interest, they will never rise to the top ten list of nations.
Spain was the classic example. They discovered all this gold and silver in South America. They exploited it, brought it back to Europe, but NEVER developed their own economy. They spend the money lavishly. Unloading the ships was a job for important labor because it was beneath them. The gold joke was that as Spain got rich, everyone else got richer. They used Frenchmen to unload the ships overall.
Spain could not wait to spend its money coming in on the next fleet. When fleets sank in hurricanes, they could not pay their debts. Spain became a serial defaulter moving from the richest nation in Europe to a 3rd world status. They defaulted in 1557, 1570, 1575, 1596, 1607, and 1647.
So this latest excuse is just absurd. They are unwilling to look at their old theories so they spin wild tales to justify being wrong. Trump is by no means forcing metals to decline so the US government can buy it and issue gold-backed bonds like Nevada. Assemblyman Jim Marchant announced the Nevada Gold and Silver Enabling Act on July 2, 2018. He claimed that gold-backed bonds would avert financial armageddon, retire debt, ensure all creditors are paid in full in nominal terms and begin the process of gold circulation. Here is the argument they use:
“The Federal Reserve has a policy of two percent per annum debasement of the US dollar. Other central banks around the world have similar targets, for example, both the Bank of England and the European Central Bank set their targets at two percent. Creditors should prefer gold assets over dollar-, pound, and euro-denominated assets because gold is not subject to this debasement. The 10-year Treasury yields 2.9% as I write this. Assuming that the Fed hits its target without overshooting it, then the central bank is robbing the investor of most of their return.”
The entire argument assumes that somehow a gold-backed bond will eliminate inflation. Even if we assumed that was correct, you can see what this type of policy would create by creating a money supply that was fixed – it is called deflation. This is what has driven unemployment among the youth in Southern Europe to 60%. Germany has been focused on eliminating inflation because of their experience during the 1920s. This policy of austerity cripples economic growth and will only lead to revolution and civil unrest.
Gold-backed debt has existed for hundreds of years. There was still the business cycle, periods of inflation and deflation, as well as revolutions. This theory that someone a gold-backed bond will eliminate the business cycle is actually the same goal of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes. Marx proposed Communism and the elimination of all private tangible wealth would produce the perfect world. That failed. Keynes argued that the government could manage the economy by focusing on demand and raise or lower interest rates to also eliminate the business cycle. That failed and even Paul Volcker came out and called it the Rediscovery of the Business Cycle back in 1978.
Even Keynes was honest enough to comment before he died that he had been wrong. Smith’s observation of how the economy works remains the only answer. What all of these theories have in common is the assumption that to create money with a tangible value and eliminate the business cycle, the answer lies in manipulating DEMAND side economics rather than the SUPPLY side. In other words, we eliminate all tangible assets or we manipulate interest rates and the supply of money in hopes of influencing the DEMAND of the people.

Gold-backed bonds will no more eliminate the business cycle than any other attempt to date. Not even Larry Summer’s NEGATIVE INTEREST rate policy has been successful in stimulating the economy by compelling people to spend rather than save. His theory has merely created the next crisis as pension funds, who needed 8% interest to remain solvent, cannot function with historically low rates of interest and will default bringing socialism into crisis.
You must always ask: What is the end goal?  It is always the same – ELIMINATE THE BUSINESS CYCLE.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The high cost of socialism is driving the field of robotics.

Is This the World’s Largest Robot?
Rio Tinto has employed the first fully autonomous train, which many are calling the world’s largest robot. Rio Tinto’s project has eliminated humans and that saves on pensions and salaries. This is the way of the future because of exponentially rising human costs. The train completed its first delivery of iron ore between the company’s Australian Mount Tom Price mine and the port of Cape Lambert on the Western coast.
Rio Tinto spent $940 million to develop this project. The train consists of three locomotives and carries around 28,000 tonnes of iron ore making a journey of 280km with no human driver. The trip was monitored remotely by operators at Rio’s Operations Centre in Perth more than 1,500km away. Effectively, this is not so dissimilar from the drone used in the military that is also being monitored from a far away location.
The high cost of socialism is driving the field of robotics. The higher the costs of pensions and their lack of feasibility when central banks play with interest rates pretending to be managing the economy has driven the technology into the hands of automation. Governments are in a state of denial and they will continue to raise taxes to try to cover their costs. They fail to look at this crisis straight in the eyes. There is no hope of maintaining socialism and more than there was communism.

Complexity & Quantum Computing

QUESTION: Do you think that quantum computing will really change the world and is it feasible in our lifetime?
REPLY: Quantum Computing is the first real change in computer science. Traditional computers encode information in bits which are essentially magnets that store a charge and that created the binary code of 1 and 0. Therefore, 8 magnets form a bit and thus the letter A would be 01000001. You can store the entire alphabet in these bits.
Quantum computers, on the other hand, work entirely different. They are based on qubits, which operate according to two key principles of quantum physics: superposition and entanglement. The superposition means that each qubit can represent both a 1 and a 0 at the same time. Entanglement means that qubits in a superposition can be correlated with each other, which means that whether the state of one is actually a 1 or a 0 can depends entirely upon the state of another. Using these two principles, qubits can act in a more complex yet sophisticated manner. This enables quantum computers to function in ways that allow them to solve difficult problems that are inflexible or difficult utilizing today’s computers.
Whether it is actually possible to solve is one of the greatest mysteries of life and not fully recognizable just yet. There are experiments being conducted to see if they can solve problems that would be impossible with standard coding. Will they change the world? It is possible, but not yet. Socrates was designed with standard computer binary structures. However, in order to work out some of the most difficult complex structures, it required creating a derivative of this principle of superposition and entanglement but artificially creating this quantum structure.
For example, this is a photo of a giant honey mushroom, located in Oregon, which is 2400 years old. It is actually all connected by a root system that stretches 3 miles.  This is the LARGEST living organism on the planet. On the surface, you would assume they are all separate and individual. However, they are all connected and form part of the same organism. It is this same complex structure that connects all of us. Although we are independent on one level, we react and respond also collectively — the panic herd syndrome. Any attempt to forecast a single economy fails because it excludes the trends in all others.
Complexity is fascinating. It is all about how we approach it.

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you
quote from time to time.
I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your early days. Like when you first started programming on wall street. People who shared things with you that gave incite… or steered you in the right directions knowledge wise. People who keyed you in on trading, markets and so forth.
It would be interesting to hear if you could share.
Alright, Nice evening to you sir.
ANSWER:  Life is a math equation. Life = Sum(x + y + z). Everything we do accumulates and the sum forges our character-defining who we are. Experience = knowledge. Nobody is ever born knowing everything. We learn ONLY from our mistakes so cherish them well for they are what make us who we are. When there is nothing left to learn about this world, then it is time to leave. Never be afraid to question for unless we have questions, we will never arrive at answers.
People often ask me why I am not bitter for the injustices I have fought against in New York. They have been absorbed and contribute to my understanding of life. In our natural habitat, we tend to judge others by ourselves. We need to be confronted by the opposite to understand its very nature. I have seen the corruption of the Judicial system from the inside out and am so glad I did not become a lawyer as my father wanted. You learn that there are truly evil people who know what they do is wrong, so they try to oppress and even kill those who would expose them. They deny all wrong-doing and pretend to be so upright, but someone who really is upright never pretends to be because they do not have to. The fact that they must act in this manner demonstrates that they themselves know they are evil or they would stand in the light of day. Just mind-blowing how people can act so corruptly and then sleep at night. There was one kid they were charging with conspiracy for murder because someone asked him where a person was he pointed to him and they killed him. The wanted the death penalty. The prosecutor refused because the kid had no priors and was 23. He quit and the next prosecutor had no problem trying to kill this kid for a conspiracy all because they wanted to win the first death penalty case in New York City regardless of who it was they would kill. Some of the evilest people in the world go to the Justice Department.
My father pushed me into computers because I was probably a natural trader which he disapproved of and I decided I did not want to become a lawyer. I was also not motivated by the education system. I suppose I began to see that those teaching did not have actual experience in what they taught. The ancient Romans had the best school system. You have the basic reading, writing, math, as well as history. However, you would decide what you wanted to do in life and left what would be called grade school to seek an apprenticeship. My father was going to take us to Europe for the summer, I believe, in 1964. I wanted to earn some money for myself and got a job in a coin/bullion store. Yes, you could buy gold before 1975 in coin form. There were countries who produced restrikes to be able to sell gold. Hungary issued coins data 1908 and Mexico kept the date 1947 on 50 pesos. Gold coins were legal for “collectors” as long as they were dated 1947 or earlier.
That was my apprenticeship for I began to see markets and observed the daily fluctuations. Silver was rising in price and President Kenney signed in 1963 the Executive Order 11110 on June 4th, 1963 to remove silver from the coins starting in 1965 before he was assassinated. Just about every country soon followed by 1965-1966. They two years later is when Bretton Woods began to crack in 1968 and a two-tier market in gold began – private and official. Gold begab to trade in London. It didn’t trade in the USA until 1975.
Going to Europe, we traveled the entire summer driving from Sweden down to Naples to visit Pompeii. I became the navigator but it also was a quick introduction to foreign exchange. We would have to exchange money at each border. I have a few 1964 Kennedy half-dollars. Whenever I would pull one out, whatever the bill was if $10 to $25, they just wanted that coin instead. It taught me early lessons about arbitrage. I remember telling my father we should have come to Europe with a bag of them and we would have paid for everything.
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Every door we open in life leads to another. I have never been one to be afraid of trying something new. Failure is how we learn and success is our reward. Had I not gotten a job in that coin store where I bought my first Roman coin for $10, I would not be here today writing this. That is what I mean that we are the sum of our experiences. I was in history class and the high school professor brought in an old film The Toast of New York. It was a film about the Panic of 1869 and the attempt of Jim Fisk to corner the gold market. In this clip, you will see what sparked my imagination and sense of curiosity given my exposure to reality by working. Jim Fisk is at the ticker-tape, and he then turns to his girlfriend and quotes gold at $162. Now I knew from working that gold was $35. Suddenly, I was confronted with an anomaly. I was being taught that everything was linear. So how was it possible that gold could be $162 in 1869 and $35 today in the 1960s?
At first, I assumed it was just a movie. But it bothered me. There was a QUESTION in the back of my mind that would not be answered. I went to the library and looked up the price of gold in the microfilm copies of The New York Times. There it was, the quote, $162. It was real. It profoundly shook my belief system to the very foundation.
Countless questions were running around my mind like a pack of wild animals being chased. I began to ask questions in economics class. The answer was even more disturbing. Well, there was this thing that they once called the business cycle, but the government has eradicated that I was told.  It was a real bull market in everything going into 1966. Rare coins peaked. I remember an 1877 Indian Head Penny was sold for $700. It crashed by 50% in months and never saw that price again for at least a decade. Pennies were the hot thing back then. I was buying and selling and it taught me how to trade. I made so much money my father convinced me to invest in mutual funds. I did, and then the stock market collapsed and the mutual fund dropped from $54 to about $5. I asked my father if this was the way conservative people made money? My speculating in commodities was much more profitable than stocks I knew nothing about at that time.
I began to notice that there were certain things that were hot and others that were cold. The pennies were soaring but not ancient coins or many other denominations of American coins. Collectibles market crashed with the 1966 stock market crash as did mutual funds. The Crash of 1966 was followed by another in 1968 when the two-tier market in gold began with the crack in Britton Woods. The real estate crashed in 1970 as well. But even more confounding, gold actually fell BELOW$35 in 1970 – the old Bretton Woods fixed rate that everyone assume would hold.
There was no mentor back then. You had to learn from observation. Bretton Woods was collapsing and nobody knew what would even happen no less forecast what would come by 1971. I was finished with high school, but the nagging questions only multiplied. Clearly, there was some sort of a cycle. It did not matter if it was stocks, bonds, coins, collectibles, foreign exchange, or real estate. It was obvious that everything went through the same boom and bust cycle.
I was doing my own research now in the Firestone Library at Princeton University. I was searching old newspapers, looking for previous prices of booms and busts that I had been confronted with in gold. That’s when I stumbled upon an article that listed previous panics between 1683 and 1907. This was an old article published even before the 1929 Great Depression. That is why the list stopped with 1907. It was even pre-World War I.

That’s when I also stumbled upon this illustration of a business cycle published on February 2nd, 1932 in The Wall Street Journal. I took the list I found that covered a span of 224 years and I divided it by the 26 events which yielded the 8.6-year average. I began to test through history which I knew well. The rest is history itself as they say (see wave structure). So no, there was nobody to talk to back then. You had to learn everything on your own. It was not until the Crash of 1974 that Paul Volcker was inspired to call it “The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle” because they did not even teach the existence of such a cycle. It was supposed to have been conquered by the government with Keynesianism. It was an age of rediscovery indeed. There was no place to go. Gold futures began in 1975, bonds 1977 and S&P 500 futures in 1985. There were no trading clubs. I was on my own.