Monday, February 17, 2025

50% reduction in the world population !!!


Answering Your Questions

Question Your Change to Speak

COMMENT #1: Hello Mr Armstrong,
I just read your article about the situation in Europe and how the EU fools seek to fight Russia.
What can I say? Fools stay fools. They got to this situation of fiscal chaos because they are fools and
they will continue down the road of fools because fools can’t turn wise just like that.

One more thing I want to say. I have been reading your articles and following your work for a long time.
In my opinion you are NOT antisemitic. I think I can say that, as I was born in Israel, coming from a Jewish family with very long roots
and cherish our long tradition.

Please don’t take to heart whatever those idiots tell or write about you.
I embrace you, brother, take care,
(P.S. I am so happy Trump is back in power, and JD Vance and all of Trump’s team members are simply great, doing God’s job)

REPLY #1: Thank you. We have even staff of every race, gender, and religion. We have always been international. You cannot forecast the world from the ignorance of a myopic view.

COMMENT #2: Hi Martin

I have been watching Socrates daily comex silver futures. It was showing a double direction change Friday followed by a panic Monday. The political events on that day fell into place!. I am so fortunate to have met you.
Socrates is giving me hope for humanity’s future.
D Morris

REPLY #2: I have been amazed at how the seemingly random events take place on the computer’s forecasts. Perhaps there is an invisible hand that compels events to unfold in the direction of the markets. It is fascinating to watch.


QUESTION #1: Marty, you have said at your WEC that you have tried your best to defeat your model but you always lose. You have been a lone voice in the wilderness against this war from the very outset. Do you advocate, as Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth implied, that the U.S. might ignore NATO’s Article 5 if Europe were to take military action against Russia?


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ANSWER #1: Look. European leaders are outright lying to their people. They are the real war criminals that history will remember. They think because they control the press that, they can exonerate themselves from the death and destruction and blame Russia. Article 5 is not mandatory. I would not come to the aid of Europe this time. Since they seem to think a third time to conquer Russia will be the charm, let then self-destruct. China will come to the aid of Russia. The West will lose.


QUESTION #2: Your comparison to Yugoslavia is spot on. Why will RFK and Western European leaders refuse to listen to you?


ANSWER #2: I do not know. All I can assume is that my purpose in life is only to inform and perhaps point the way after the crash and burn of Western society. I have studied the rise and fall of nations. I cannot prevent the cycle. It is merely our destiny. I hope we can start fresh and these Western European leaders will be remembered for their war crimes. Thanks to these decisions, this will probably also fulfill the computer warning about a 50% reduction in the world population.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Plaza Accord - force the dollar down by 40% to reduce the trade deficit- would cause a crash

 It’s Always the Currency vs Investment

Confused Man

QUESTION: On Friday, the UK FTSE and DAX closed at new all-time highs, so clearly money is flowing into these indices yet euros and Pounds seem to be flying out the door as they prepare for lower lows and thus this seem confusing.  Added to the confusion is that Europe is where the sovereign debt crisis SDC) is likely to begin, so why is capital flowing into these markets?  I suppose better to hold UK or German equities vs. their sovereign debt and thus will those equity markets continue to rally during the SDC?


International Value

ANSWER: A number of questions have been coming in about the European markets. Keep in mind that we are in the throes of geopolitical and political upheavals, not to mention the entry of Trump and his old-school nonsense about lowering the dollar to sell more stuff overseas and imposing tariffs. Those ideas I have dealt with constantly over the course of the past few decades. It is confusing without question. The press does not understand currency, not even those in government. Absolutely everything has an international value, and this has led to the overwhelming majority getting things wrong. Many ask why mainstream media will not interview me on such important topics as this. The reason is simply – it is too confusing for them as well.

Ferarri Trade

I have told the story at conferences about my Ferarri Trade and how I bought a 308 Ferrari when I lived in London in 1985 when the British pound fell to $1.03. The Italians were getting $60,000 for the car in the States back then. It was still priced in pounds when the pound used to be $2.40. I bought the car for about $35,000 when converted. The Italians could no longer sell these Ferarris for such a price in London. Hence, they doubled the price in British pounds based on $1.03.

Over the course of the next couple of years, the pound rallied and went to $1.90 again by 1988. I drove the car for 2 years, sold it used for £40,000, and virtually doubled my money. Then, people were buying Ferraris as an investment, thinking it was the car that appreciated when, in fact, it was just a currency play. If you did not look at the currency, you missed the whole point.

Porsche Trade 1970s

In fact, I was buying German cars throughout the 1970s as the dollar was declining. A Porsche was $8,600 in 1970, and by 1980, it was $27,700. I would drive the cars for 2 years and then trade them in and get my money back, so cars never cost me a dime throughout the 1970s. I understood it was all just currency – not the cars themselves. My father took the family to Europe for the summer of 1964, which taught me about currency as we traveled from Sweden to Italy and all around. We had to change currency every time we crossed a border. I learned that CURRENCY was actually a mental language. I would listen to the price in Italian lira and convert that back to dollars in my mind to asses if the value was a fair price.

WSJ 1983 MAA 1

I was really the only true foreign exchange analyst. I was dealing in billions in the early 1980s. Clients would even put me on a speak in the middle of an OPEC meeting. I was being called in around the world all on currency crises. That’s how I became friends with Margaret Thatcher. I was being touted as the highest-paid analyst in the world, all for currency. When I was opening an office in Geneva in 1985, I was going to use some European names to blend in. I went to lunch with the head of one of the top main banks in Switzerland, who was a client and asked his opinion of what European name to use. He asked me to name one European FOREX analyst. I was embarrassed for I could not. He then explained why everyone was using my firm. He said there were no European analysts because they each would tout their own currency because it was a political issue. He explained everyone was using my firm because I did not care if the dollar went down or up. I said it was just a trade.

1987 Crash Brady Commission

By 1985, I was summoned to the US. They were arguing to force the dollar down by 40% to reduce the trade deficit as that theory today is espoused by Trump. That was the Plaza Accord, and I wrote to President Reagan and warned that they would cause a crash within two years, and that became the 1987 Crash. The Presidential Commission then called me in for that one. They just do not teach this stuff in school and that seems to be the problem.


Rubin Letter

Rubbin response letter Tim Geithneir

In 1997, Robert Rubin, former head of Goldman Sachs, was also trying to talk the dollar down for trade. Again, he did not really understand currency and its impact on markets. The Asian currency Crisis unfolded weeks later. He may have been at Goldman, but that was more related to debt. To one person, a stock rally can look like a bull market, and to another, a bear market. When you get into currency swings of 10%-40%, it alters the perception of value because they still do not teach this stuff in school. We are clinging to old theories like Keynesian economics from the period of fixed exchange rates. Politicians are making the wrong decisions and investors are confused because these concepts are never taught.

UK_FTSE100 M Tech 1 18 25UK_FTSE100 M Tech in US 1 18 25


As the greenback rallies, then the European share prices will appear cheap, just as Ferarri did in 1985 when the pound fell to $1.03. You will have domestic movement away from public assets as we have seen corporate rates move below that of government rates in France. Here is the FTSE in pounds and then in dollars. While you see new highs in pounds, the FTSE has not made new highs in dollars and has backed off, showing that the rally in the FTSE is not keeping pace with the decline in the pound.

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This is why, in Socrates, you can plot any instrument in a host of various currencies. The definition of a bull market is something that rallies in terms of all the key currencies. When it is rising only in terms of the local currency, it is simply a domestic shift and not international.

We do NOT see a major Crash on the horizon in shares, commodities, gold, silver, etc.

The greatest risk of a crash will be in government debt.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Be on guard for 2026 into 2027. Weakening Russia conventionally reduces its defense to nuclear.


Weakening Russia Conventionally Leaves Only Nuclear War

Churchill on Truth

QUESTION: Hello, thank you for unique comments and alternative views on the Russia-Ukraine war as regards to Nato expansion and neocons et cetera. We sure seem to be racing towards WWIII.

It would be interesting if you would care to comment on the inability of Russia, despite support on the ground from North Korea, to kick out Ukraine’s counter-invasion in Russia’s Southern Kursk region.
Is it a sign of weakness from Russia’s military or is it some kind of Russian 3D-chess tactic?
What if Mexican tanks rolled into Arizona or Canadian tanks invaded New Hampshire?

Kind regards,



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ANSWER: Unfortunately, our NEOCONS project the image that the USA is an imperial power that wants to conquer the world. In turn, this has only emboldened the NEOCONS inside Russia and China, and they judge all Americans by the actions of our NEOCONS because nobody will speak up or dare to challenge them.

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Having two employees in Ukraine certainly helped when we have people on the ground to get to the truth. I warned the computer had projected Ukraine was the place where World War III would begin. The NEOCONS protected the Ukrainian Nazis, despite the fact that the horrors they committed even shocked the Germans from documented cases of cutting out babies from pregnant women and sowing in a live cat. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Ukraine – a very dark side.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The deliberate fake peace negotiation to buy time to build this army to invade Russia was just deplorable. The mere fact that Merkel was part of this deception to create World War III intentionally was unbelievable. Why would anyone negotiate with the West when they lie about everything?

ECM Ukraine Russia War

The problem we face is that this authorization for Ukraine to use long-range missiles to attack Russia while losing the Donbas daily demonstrates that Zelensky is a real Judas taking orders from the NEOCONS, and this is to weaken Russia. They may be able to weaken Russia conventionally to prepare for a NATO invasion using some false flag perhaps by May this year, but they are counting on the fact that Russia will never push the button, so they will be able to walk in and conquer the country dividing the spoils of war.

USNDX Y Cash Chart 1 8 25

I do not see that scenario succeeding according to our computer. If I were a Russian, I  would push the button and destroy all of Europe if they invaded Russia. They NEVER consider what if they are wrong!  Be on guard for 2026 into 2027. Weakening Russia conventionally reduces its defense to nuclear. Hello! How stupid can these people be? Why do you think the dollar elected 3 Yearly Bullish Reversals at the end of 2024? While everyone is focused on the Fed and Debt, they are not paying attention externally to the US economy. NATO is a threat to world peace!