End of Bonds Rise in Rates – A New Type of Inflation
Dear Martin,
First I would like to congratulate you on your excellent analysis and market views.
I am a bond portfolio manager for 25 years and I can only be shocked by current interest rates, specially in Europe. I have recently cut my long exposure to Bunds and everyone says it’s crazy to be short when ECB is buying but… with 10 year French bonds at 0.40% (less than 2yr US Treasuries), not to mention German bunds at 0.15%, these can only end badly. Also with 30 year Germany at 0.65% is assuming inflation is dead forever… something I strongly don’t believe. My question is what can bring inflation up end the biggest bond bubble made by central banks?
Thank you and best regards,
ANSWER: There appears to be coming a very difficult period that will have (1) massive deflation as capital formation is reduced from public debt moving into default, and (2) rising asset inflation that is money trying to get off the grid, which is not demand inflation led by consumer spending. This will cause tremendous confusion. Some will call this Stagflation, which dominated the 1970s where consumer spending declined but prices still rose thanks to the Oil Price Shock of OPEC.
I have stated many times before that a stock market crash at best is good for a recession for a small amount of capital parks in equities. A depression is caused when capital formation collapses caused by a debt collapse. This took place following the Panic of 1837 set in motion by Andrew Jackson’s destruction of the central bank, which set off Wildcat Banking at the state level. They needed to be bailed out and states issued debt trying to support the banking system and they ended up defaulting on their bonds as well.
There will come a is a disconnect between the PRIVATE v PUBLIC issues of debt. The differential between AAA Corporate and government peaked also in 1932. We have the FDR confiscation of gold and the devaluation of the dollar by January 1934. Note that the differential fell to a low in 1937 as the Dow Jones Industrials also peaked that same year. This illustrates the shift in CONFIDENCE from PUBLIC back to PRIVATE.
We have to also understand the 1929 period. The USA was bankrupt in 1896 and that is when JP Morgan arranged a gold loan to bailout the country on February 8th, 1895 (1895.106). Grover Cleveland approved the third treasury bond sale to a syndicate headed Morgan. However, when news of this deal broke, public opinion turned against Cleveland even more than before. Most people ignored the fact that Cleveland had saved the United States’ gold reserves. When people learned how profitable the deal turned out to be for the banks, who had immediately resold the bonds at marked-up rates, more contempt confronted Cleveland. There were even rumors that he had profited personally from the deal. The Morgan issue only helped to accelerate the decline of the Gold Democrats (austerity – sound money) in favor of the Silver Democrats (inflationists). This played out with the 1896 Presidential Election and William Jennings Byran’s famous speech that labor will not be crucified upon a cross of gold (austerity).
From the Morgan Bailout in February 1895, 34 years later we end up with the 1929 bubble. This was a massive capital migration to the USA inspired by World War I and the fall of Britain from that position as the Financial Capital of the World. We can see the huge rise in debt in Britain because of World War I. This ended their reign as the leader of the free world shifting it to the USA.
We can see that the bonds fell during the 1927-1929 stock rally for stocks rise with interest rates and fall with lower rates – opposite of TV pundits. You see the initial flight to quality from 1919 into early 1931, but as the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits, the US bonds trade sideways at first and then finally collapse as they became the last one standing. We will see the same delayed action at first as capital shifts to Treasuries in the traditional flight to quality, but that will not last long in this current incarnation.
Hoover explained this Sovereign Debt Crisis of 1931 best how capital rushed from one default to the next. We saw this same response with Greece in 2010. Capital then looked at Portugal, Spain, Italy, and even France asking – Who’s Next?
The gold standard collapsed and in 15 months, the dollar soared. This led Congress to pass a protectionist act and the economy imploded. People look at currency as if it were a stock and assume a strong currency is bullish and a weak currency is bearish. This may be for capital movement, but economically, it is opposite. Strong currency reduces exports and weaker currency results in more exports.
Therefore, inflation will rise up in the form of asset inflation as money tries to get out of PUBLIC debt fearing default. This will not be consumer spending from a party time. Since central banks have already been buying in government debt, they will be unable to resell that back to the private sector. New debt will rise and tax revenue declines and deficits rise. PRIVATE ownership of PUBLIC debt will decline and this will cause rates to rise. But this will not be alone. With assets rising, the Fed will respond with raising rates believing they must defend against inflation or be blamed for creating the bubble. As they raise rates, the government interest expenditure will skyrocket. We could see interest expenditures exceed defense spending as early as 2017 with rates rising, but by 2020 if rates remain the same.