Friday, August 28, 2020

There is NO DIFFERENCE between kings and career politicians.


Tyranny is Indistinguishable when used by Kings or Career Politicians

What is going on in New Zealand and Melbourne is the complete rejection of every principle of liberty, which has degenerated into a tyrannical coup. These are the very same actions by those governments that sparked the American Revolution. We have to wonder about this forecast of Socrates about rising civil unrest on a global scale. I had assumed it would be because of the debt collapse and rising taxation. But we are witnessing such tyrannical actions from Europe to New Zealand and Melbourne that this appears to be using the virus to suppress what they realize will be the collapse of their governments. They are turning our Free World into Venezuela. These tyrannical people in office now will perhaps eventually suspend elections when they realize they themselves would be booted out.

They have suspended all warrants and authorized the police to simply break into anyone’s house if they suspect you are violating COVID regulations. This is precisely the same tyranny that sparked the American Revolution. The king authorized Writs of Assistance which allowed the government to arbitrarily search whatever they suspected for any reason. John Adams, Second President, listened to the 4-hour speech of the defense lawyer James Otis (1725-1783) who argued against the king’s Writs of Assistance in February 1761. History repeats for there are few people in government today that even understand what is at stake with the actions being taken in the name of this virus. This also proves that there is NO DIFFERENCE between kings and career politicians. Liberty cannot exist with pretend representatives of the people.

Here are a few excerpts from that famous speech of James Otis that so moved John Adams and inspired the birth of the American Revolution.

I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all such instruments of slavery on the one hand and villainy on the other as this Writ of Assistance is. It appears to me the worst instrument of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English liberty and the fundamental principles of law, that ever was found in an English law-book…  

The writ prayed for in this petition, being general, is illegal. It is a power that places the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer. I say I admit that special Writs of Assistance, to search special places, may be granted to certain persons on oath. But I deny that the writ now prayed for can be granted…

In the first place, the writ is universal, being directed “to all and singular justices, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and subjects”; so that, in short, it is directed to every subject in the King’s dominions. Everyone with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commission be legal, a tyrant in a legal manner, also, may control, imprison, or murder any one within the realm.   In the next place, it is perpetual; there is no return. A man is accountable to no person for his doings. Every man may reign secure in his petty tyranny, and spread terror and desolation around him, until the trump of the Archangel shall excite different emotions in his soul. In the third place, a person with this writ, in the daytime, may enter all houses, shops, etc., at will, and command all to assist him. Fourthly, by this writ not only deputies, etc., but even their menial servants, are allowed to lord it over us…  

One of the most essential branches of English liberty is the freedom of one’s house. A man’s house is his castle; and whilst he is quiet, he is as well guarded as a prince in his castle. This writ, if it should be declared legal, would totally annihilate this privilege. Custom-house officers may enter our houses when they please; we are commanded to permit their entry. Their menial servants may enter, may break locks, bars, and everything in their way; and whether they break through malice or revenge, no man, no court can inquire. Bare suspicion without oath is sufficient.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Even if China were to invade Taiwan, the US is not likely to send in ground troops.


China & US War in 3 Months?

The former Labor Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has come out in a piece he wrote in Foreign Affairs – Beware the Guns of August—in Asia. Rudd is claiming that the US and China may go to war in three months ahead of the US elections. This is clearly the left trying to claim that Trump will start a war just to win the White House. This seems to be simply part of this entire global quest to usher in socialism and end capitalism. The left simply wants total power. Just look at Melbourne, Australia. This one beautiful city I visited often ios now a prison camp using COVID to strip people of all human rights. The police may now enter anyone’s home without a warrant and they imposed a Curfew 8:00 pm.

This entire issue of rising tensions will not lead to war under Trump. Even if China were to invade Taiwan, the US is not likely to send in ground troops. China is flexing its muscles because the West is committing politic-economic suicide with COVID. China knows the agenda and it is being driven by Bill Gates. Activists have been pushing US institutions to sell all investments in China because they are not yielding to the Climate Change Agenda. This is breaking the economic link the does prevent war.

In addition, China is moving to expand its own domestic consumer economy. It has adopted a different pather than Europe which clings to socialism and Germany is still a mercantilistic economy. China will become the new Financial Capital of the World because it is adopting a domestic view while the Democrats in the USA are trying to follow Europe and subjugate the productive capacity of the nation under Marxist class warfare.

While there is no question that war is coming. However, not simply because Trump needs to win the election. Yes, China has been staging assault practices to invade Taiwan. They have suppressed Hong Kong which was a vital economic link for its economy. The subjugation of Hong Kong shows that China’s economy has matured enough that it no longer needs to funnel business through Hong Kong. Many businesses borrowed in Hong Kong and took the cash directly back to China.

The confrontation cycle between China and Taiwan turned up in 2018 and we should expect this to really escalate into 2023. Nevertheless, underlying models do not look good economically for Taiwan. This entire COVID nonsense has seen as much as a 90% drop in profits for some of the biggest companies in Taiwan.

There is clearly a risk that 2020 could prove to be the major high and a decline into 2024 may unfold. This was a high volatility yearly target and we have witnessed an outside reversal to the upside. This may be the conclusion of this long-standing confrontation. With COVID raging in the West, there will be no economic basis to defend Taiwan from Europe or the USA. China knows the West cannot afford a war after destroying its economy. If I were China, I would wait for these further lockdowns to wipe out the various economics and that will reduce the threat of any retaliation. This will be like Rome expanding after the Greeks fought among themselves dividing their empire.

Macedonia Monetary History | Armstrong Economics

Titus Quinctius Flamininus (c. 228–174BC) was a Roman politician and general who was instrumental in the Roman conquest of Greece. That came 309.6 years from the birth of the Roman Republic. The fall of Greece to Rome came about 224 years from the peak of Greece prior to its conquest by Macedonia. Europe peaked really with the French Revolution. That came 224 years before the peak in government confidence which was 2015.75. From there onward, we have has not just BREXIT, but the election of Trump and the collapse in the basic civility within politics.

Carrying more than $10,000 in cash gives even domestic flight the right to confiscate it.

The Threat to Gold

QUESTION:  In regards to your last post about Bitcoin and your comment that there may be a “threat regarding gold”, as well. What kind of threat do you think? If you own precious metals as a store of value and assume at some point you may need to use it to pay for things, they may have to get turned into dollars (or an alternative digital currency being forced) in order to buy products. My thought is that there will be a tax law passed that somehow taxes gold/silver when you sell it, not necessarily based off the capital gains. What is your take on this and what do you see the government potentially doing to discourage, force an alternative, or even ban people from having precious metals? Thanks for all your insight.

ANSWER: Gold bullion was listed as a black market circumventing Bretton Woods. They seized $38,000 in gold bars from a woman crossing the Canada-US border. You already cannot transport gold internationally yourself. What most people do not realize is that hopping on a plane, even on a domestic flight, carrying more than $10,000 in cash gives them the right to confiscate it. They confiscated $181,000 in cash from a man on a domestic flight. They are making it impossible to move anything of wealth.

Therefore, the risk is that they go beyond simply confiscating gold in transport, but they move to even shut-down physical dealers who already must report on transactions. They can plainly make gold illegal in transactions just as they now make it illegal to pay for even a hotel in Europe with cash of more than €1,000 (see Italy, France, etc.). 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Panic in Real Estate


COMMENT: I live in central West Texas, I am passing on to you the fact that there is a “rush” of sales in rural property’s. Houses with small amounts of land attached are “flying off of the shelves” so to speak. This is occurring throughout all of West Texas and in the Panhandle. The effort to getting out of the cities. Even cities as small as 25,000 is in full swing! People are well aware of the potential of what is in the near future and are not sitting around wondering what they should do.

They are acting!


REPLY: There is a massive exodus from California and New York in particular. Even in North New Jersey, houses are selling in just days and over asking prices for cash. People are bailing out of New York City in herds. Here in Florida, condos are selling as fast as they can get them up in St Petersbourg. These lockdowns and COVID restrictions that are insane in the major cities have set in motion a massive exodus that these authoritarians never anticipated. As they flex their muscles to try to make this so draconian over nothing, they are complete the cycle which has been pointing to the collapse of urbanization, and the rich will flee.

One of my favorite stories of the Sovereign Debt Crisis is the City of Mainz, in Germany, around 1440. The goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which began the Printing Revolution that enabled the Renaissance to flourish with the printing press which could produce up to 3,600 pages per workday compared to the hand-copying by scribes which would produce only about 40 pages per day. The printing press then spread within several decades to over two hundred cities in a dozen European countries. Mainz exploded economically and quickly the politicians were licking their lips with visions of new tax revenue without end. They began borrowing against future tax revenue since they learned how to spend the money faster than it could be collected.

As the politicians of Mainz kept raising taxes because they could not pay their debts, they began to issue new debt to repay the old as we do today. Suddenly, they drove people out because of their taxation as we are witnessing once more. Then the politicians could not sell new debt to pay for the old and that is when then defaulted. The Pope excommunicated the politicians for their abuse of Usury and then the creditors simply invaded, sacked the city, burned it to the ground. No doubt, this is the fate we will face because politicians are driving their car at top speed without a seat-belt and they never checked the tires.

There is a major flight from the cities and we are witnessing the collapse in real estate in urban centers and suburbia prices are rising as people are paying cash and even over asking prices.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Wealth Tax


I Strongly Urge Readers to Leave California, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, & New York

California is looking to impose a Wealth Tax as Elizabeth Waren had proposed which is Piketty’s idea which is supported by Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos. This will be on worldwide property – not income. The tax rate annually will be 0.4%. Even if you lose the money you will be taxed every year in addition to income taxes which are already the highest in the United States.

The problem here is not just worldwide income, California went after people who retired and left the state. They argued that their retirement income was previously earned in California so you had to pay California income taxes on your retirement funds even if you left California. This is the ultimate tyranny. You are paying taxes as a slave owned by California. You are NOT paying your fair share because you are not using the state’s resources or benefits. This is once again – taxation without representation. You will have no right to vote in California because you are not a resident. Nevertheless, this is the TRUE view of socialists – you are the property of the state. Socialists do not tolerate classes. Their core belief is everything belongs to them. My family fought in even the American Revolution. This is precisely what they fought against.

They are looking at the very same scheme to continue to tax you on the worldwide property even if you leave. I strongly advise you to move to a Red State ASAP. Florida has a lot of retired people so the politicians are more constrained. It may be your last chance. California Dreaming is now all about them and how they dream of new ways to exploit you even more.

States have lost income because of their stupid COVID lockdowns. Of course, they never reduce their expenses and after wiping out people’s jobs, they are looking to make up their losses in revenue with new creative ideas. As I warned, people simply began walking away from their property in Rome because of such corruption. Those in power only see their own power and self-interest. This is why we need so desperately to eliminate career politicians. Until that happens, there will never be a government of “We the People” no matter what.

Let’s be honest here. There is NO way any state government will ever STOP raising taxes. They are incapable of ever seeing themselves as the source of the problem. The audacity to try to continue to tax people forever because they once worked in California is the ultimate tyranny. They reduce everyone to just their economic slaves to be exploited with no connection to paying for common infrastructure or expenses since you use nothing when you leave.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Experimental vaccines


The Agenda is Right in the Open But the Media & Politicians Turn a Blind Eye

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong,

By some weird stroke of coincidence, your recent article “Belgium Files Suit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson” beat me to the punch.

I had planned to write you about the need for We the People of Planet Earth to organize ourselves globally and files millions of class actions the world over.

Your article linked to some Flemish and Dutch language sources. The Belgian attorney who’s filed against the Belgian gov. and Gates et al is MICHAEL VERSTRAELEN out of Brussels.

There are other suits in the pipeline, like “Wearing the Mask is Mandatory in Quebec [etc…]” at from August 6th.
“COVID-19 Class Action [etc…]” on the Bill Whittle network is another example.

I could write a comprehensive thesis on We the People of Planet Earth ought to go about it.

However, I’ll be brief.

First, could you please post this for your global readership?  How many attorneys do we have in the audience?

Second, could readers please send you any and all info pertaining to this so that we all share and work together to bring down this unprecedented evil through the worldwide courts system, perhaps including the International Court at The Hague in the Netherlands.

I, for one, need to find out where the Michael Verstraelens of this world are in each and every country.


Let’s all work together and legally bankrupt them before they commit global genocide on us.

Their next step is the roll-out of CovidPass —  see the World Economic Forum from July 20th — whereby they will take your blood and DNA to dicide if you can do anything.

Then comes forced vaccines.

You get the picture.

I’m on the warpath in self defense.

God bless,

A member of the Martin Armstrong Global Army (MAGA)


REPLY: Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are in league with others to subjugate the population. Let’s be honest here. This virus can be killed by just washing your hands. Then 92% of all death are in the very same category as the flu where they target those over 65. Bill Gates himself admits that flu shots do not work on the elderly. This virus is nothing serious, yet they have destroyed the world economy all for their Great Reset to remake the world GREEN. I would be the first to warn about the disease. We have constructed models on this aspect because it has been so profound in changing the economy. But the truth is this is no Black Death that will kill 35%-50% of the population (1347.83, October 1347). That may arrive in 2022. It has reappeared in China once again. The spread of it before was largely caused by people who did not bathe and it was carried by fleas on rats that infested the world. Those conditions do not exist today in most of the industrialized world.

The target year 2022 is where the Plague Cycle turns up. Consequently, this current virus is a contrived event that is being done for political purposes of pulling off this Great Reset, which they had already planned to do. They are hell-bent on controlling the world to reduce the population. This has been a longtime goal to which Bill and Melina Gates have joined. Nevertheless, there have also been concerted efforts to experiment on people in other countries.

Back in the 1940s, there were 750 victims who eventually filed a lawsuit against the Rockefeller Foundation and the Johns Hopkins various entities alleging that they were behind human experiments carried out using Guatemalans who were intentionally exposed to syphilis, gonorrhea, and other venereal diseases, without informed consent. The experiments even used school children, psychiatric patients, and prison inmates by force. Both the Rockefeller Foundation and Johns Hopkins researchers were also behind the notorious Tuskegee Experiments that used 600 African-American sharecroppers without consent also for syphilis.

They seem to be at it again with vaccines testing them out in Africa. They were using South Africans for testing other vaccines which led to protesters taking the position: “We are not guinea pigs,” shouted South African anti-vaccine protesters Nobody stops these efforts, and local politicians in these poor countries are routinely bribed to allow such experiments on their own people.

It is amazing how much of this agenda is in the open. Yet, many mainstream media sources refuse to investigate and seem to be part of those bribed to look the other way.