Thursday, September 23, 2021

Pfizer & the Numbers- if you vaccinate 117,000 people to save one covid death, 9.04 people will have died from the vaccine ?


COMMENT: Hi Marty,
I read your blog every morning.
Here’s some interesting math for you.
Number needed to vaccinate is 142 for Pfizer. (Moderna is 88 but I’ll use Pfizer for the demonstration).
So with Pfizer you need to vaccinate 117 people to prevent one CASE of covid. The current survival rate of covid is 99.86%, so approximately 1 death per thousand cases. So the NNV to prevent one covid DEATH is 117,000.
In the first 6 months of 2021, 134 million people were fully vaccinated in the US. VAERS listed 10,335 vaccine related deaths by that point, about 56 per day. Vaers has been proven to be underreported but let’s use it as a very rough conservative estimate.
So the 134 million / 10355 = 12,940 … one death per 12940 covid vaccinations.
So if you vaccinate 117,000 people to save one covid death, 117,000/12940 = 9.04 people will have died from the vaccine.
This is likely on the low end and also doesn’t include all the non-mortality vaccine side effects. It also doesn’t include the non mortality effects of covid either.
Interesting numbers though regardless.
Best regards

REPLY: Very interesting analysis. There was a family friend who was in good health at 76. He was vaccinated, and suddenly within a month, he ended up in the hospital. One organ after the other was failing then came back. He finally recovered, but nobody could explain what the hell was going on. The doctors simply said they had never seen this before. It was like a mouse running around inside him, moving from one organ to the next. This is one giant experiment, and now Pfizer is claiming it is safe for 5-year-olds. But they are exempt from all liability and are making more money than ever. But we should trust them?

The FDA has been compromised. They are taking money from Bill Gates, who then, in turn, makes money from his ownership in Pfizer. If anyone did this in any other stock, the SEC would be dragging them in court. They took Elon Musk to court for simply saying he would take the company private. Bill Gates has so many conflicts of interest that we can NO LONGER trust the Biden Administration, the FDA, CDC, or Fauci.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

There is no God on Capitol Hill


The Democrats simply hate the way society and the economy function. Like Karl Marx, they think they can play God because they cannot believe that there is even a God. Marx saw the world in anger. Anyone who has read his work can feel the hatred between the words. Under this Marxist agenda, what they call “equality” is that we are all to be stripped of individual rights because their measurement is only material wealth. They cannot grasp that a centralized government is incapable of anticipating anything, no less managing the economy.

Back in the ’90s, I was trying to help society by donating my time on Capitol Hill. I testified even before the House Ways & Means Committee on global taxation. I was asked to lay out a plan to convert Social Security to a wealth fund. At the time, the Dow was just under 4,000. The proposal was to allow Social Security to invest rather than be a slush fund for government debt. I worked on the criteria of how to select the fund managers. The Democrats vowed to defeat it because they wanted to change the fund managers when they regained power. I argued this had nothing to do with who a fund manager voted for. It was to be based SOLELY on their track record.

Martin Armstrong Steve Forbes Jim Florio


debated at Princeton University Steve Forbes, who was for the flat tax, and Democratic Governor Jim Florio, who never saw anything that shouldn’t be taxed. I blew Florio out of the water, leaving him speechless. I pointed out that the Democrats were borrowing from the poor and refused even to pay them interest, pretending to hand back refund checks to be magnanimous. It was like I rob you of $100 and then pretend to be such a great guy because I am giving you a $100. To Florio’s credit, after the debate, he called me wanted to listen more.

We even published a Tax Proposal back then and found myself moving back and forth between Dick Army, head of the Republicans, and Bill Archer, Republican Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee. Both were from Texas, but Dick was for the flat tax, and Bill was for the retail sales tax. I could not even get the two to sit down for dinner because they did not want to be seen in a public meeting that would start rumors of a compromise.

I was sitting in Dick Army’s office. He had his feet on the desk with his cowboy Texan boots, smoking his cigar. He said to me that he could not support such a tax reform because they would have to amend the Constitution. He said I knew cycles and when the Democrats got back in, we would then have a retail sales tax and an income tax. It was that meeting when I said to myself, not only was Dick correct, but I was wasting my time. I saw at that moment that the model would be correct and it would have to play out.

The Democrats actually have nothing to offer society whatsoever. Their entire agenda is always Marxism. It is always the same pitch — class warfare. They always demonize the rich who they define NOT as Bill Gates, but the small businesses earning $250,000 or more. Those businesses are the very core of the labor force and provide 70% of all employment. They do not offer skills in management or even a vision of expanding the economy. It is always about hatred, “Vote for me and I will rob those other disgusting people who cause all the problems.”

Now the latest move is to tax all UNREALIZED gains a person has upon death. That will wipe out small businesses, for they cannot continue if the heir suddenly has to pay normal income tax of the claimed “value” of the company. It leaves one with the feeling that you should just burn down what you have, and throw it all on the funeral pyre just to prevent these thieves from getting their hands on it to destroy the future. All the major companies begin small, but they develop and expand. New inventions like the automobile and devising assembly lines did make Henry Ford rich, but those innovations also made cars affordable for the average person. Once that took place, the country expanded. People could start to commute and the land values began to rise outside the urban centers.

What is wrong with politics is that this should be about building society and the vision of the future. FREEDOM is not one side that demands others live the way they tell them. LIBERTY is fundamental — I leave you alone and you leave me alone. The words Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence have been lost in politics. Politics has divided the country, turned one group against the other, and in the end, this will ONLY be resolved once more by bloodshed. As always, it will divide families and friends, but everyone will choose a side and be compelled to kill the other to restore the basic fundamental right to be left alone.

My family has fought in every war for America since the Revolution. They did not fight for this. What the nation has devolved into has disrespected every soldier and what they were told they were laying down their lives to preserve. There is no God that is respected, no less believed in, on Capitol Hill.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Beware of the IMF


Any small businessman is always trying to improve his business and expand it to be more profitable. That seems to be a common trait but what you must understand is that the same human trait dominates the bureaucracies and it is dominant at the United Nations, et al. From the very beginning, those in the UN believed that they should rule the world, for the only way to stop World War III was a one-world government.

From the very beginning, the UN saw democracy as a nuisance. The people were too STUPID to know what was best. How could they ever be relied upon to select world leaders? Julian Huxley, the first director of UNESCO, actually put in the founding documents that “unrestricted individualism is equally erroneous.”  In other words, the very idea of human rights, liberty, and freedom was equally as wrong as communism. The only kind of government was one that was authoritarian and not subject to the whims of the people. This has been the goal, and they are pulling it off.

The United Nations has produced a 26-page report outlining an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and the DESTRUCTION of the world economy. This has been intentionally carried out to create this one-world government ultimately. The UN is at the helm and its subdivisions — the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) — herein referred to as the UN Consortium.

The United Nations has been using climate change to create a one-world government order, but they have run into way too much resistance. So when they were not convincing people to hand them all the power they dreamed of using climate change, they switched and kick-started this grab for power using COVID-19. The origin of the virus was most likely a deliberate leak in China so that everyone would blame them.

This UN Consortium has moved on to something that allows them to use the threat that people will die IMMEDIATELY unless they surrender all their freedoms using COVID terrorism. So far, this has worked very well. Meanwhile, they have sold the fact that socialism is collapsing and the revolution will become inevitable, so we need the Great Reset to restructure a new world order eliminating Democracy in any meaningful manner. Oh, certainly they will allow you to think your vote means something like electing MPs in Europe when Parliament cannot do anything but show up for the cameras.

The climate change agenda was to seize industry and effectively nationalize them, but it was also the justification as to why the UN must be in charge since no single nation would be able to save the planet. They will do that now by virtually bankrupting them, and the state will just take them over. This scheme was even discussed in Germany to nationalize companies since they could not bail them out. For years, the IMF has wanted to replace the sovereignty of the nation-states with a neutral body of experts. This one-world government should be able to dictate financial policy to nation-states. Such a “government” would give the top finance bosses direct access to the savings accounts and assets of the citizens.

The United Nations wants 10% of the world’s entire income for itself. While we argue over the vaccines, the origin of COVID, and where it was leaked, plus climate change, all of this is a distraction from the true agenda of the Great Reset. They are rolling it all out little by little while keeping the attention on the vaccine and climate change so that people do not connect the dots to see the real agenda.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Will the Gov’t Close all Markets?


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QUESTION: Marty, the government closed the New York Stock exchange in 1914 due to World War I. Do you think they will do that again?

Looking forward to Orlando


ANSWER: The closure of 1914 was not the only time they shut down markets. Even the London market was shut down during war. On June 17, 1864, Congress responded to the wild speculation and simply prohibited buying or selling gold for future delivery to stop the speculation driven by each battle. The penalty was now imprisonment, a heavy fine, or of course, both. The only exception was a gold transaction in a private office. Yet, it was clearly aimed at closing and any minor gold exchanges. Nonetheless, the government simply could not stop the speculation of gold.

Gold advanced from $190 to about $280. Therefore, the Gold Act of 1864 (13 Stat. 132), which passed with little debate on June 17, 1864, only confirmed that the dollar was in trouble and it tumbled against the British pound driving its value to $9.97 per pound sterling.

There is a risk that the FREE MARKETS may be shut down as we approach 2027. There are Panic Cycles in politics both in 2022 and 2024. These people behind the Great Reset will NOT tolerate a free market when it comes to the Euro. You must understand that the crack in the Euro is a debating political factor in Europe which is entirely different from that of what you see in the dollar. Since World War II, European politicians have used the strength of their currency as confirmation that they have done a good job. No American president could run to say the dollar is up against Canada and Mexico which proves I have done a great job. He would be laughed at as nuts.

The Euro saved the crisis of debt in Europe kicking the can down the road. But that road comes to an end by 2024. You have to understand that these people are fighting to retain power in the middle of their house of cards collapsing. COVID passes are all about control – not health. Slovenia denying the right to buy gasoline if you have not been vaccinated? We are confronted by a collapse in socialism and this is the real crisis – not health or climate change. Those are cover stories to alter the entire economy because the collapse would mean revolution. They are trying desperately to head off a revolution – hence unvaccinated no gasoline.

This year’s WEC will be interesting for we have to look at not just markets and where to put money and where to live, but then how to save money when the cards come tumbling down.

Have Central Banks Crossed the Line into Tyranny?


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With all the conspiracy theories that somehow the bankers are the real culprits in creating excess money supply, there has been an evolution in central banks that has finally crossed the line since 2019. The Federal Reserve was, once upon a time, responsible. The Fed was originally designed as an authority to create money, which was an elastic money supply. That made perfect sense when the Fed was designed in 1913.

Yes, the bankers owned the shares BECAUSE the Fed was actually designed to do what JP Morgan did in herding the bankers together to save the day during the Panic of 1907. Morgan convinced the bankers that if they did not chip in money to bail out the troubled banks, panic would unfold, and ALL the banks would be hit as a contagion. They listened and joined his effort to stem the Panic of 1907. The design of the Fed was to recreate what JP Morgan put together. The shareholders were the bankers because it was a bail-out fund for the bankers, and TAXPAYER money should not be used to bail out the bankers.

Democrat President Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Act, creating the Federal Reserve as well as the income tax. Wilson signed the Revenue Act of 1913, which lowered average tariff rates from 40 percent to 26 percent. It also established a one percent tax on income above $3,000 per year; the tax affected approximately three percent of the population. The Federal Reserve, as designed, was independent, and thus there was the Fed policy v fiscal policy set by Congress.

The elastic money was a brilliant idea where the Fed would buy-in corporate paper to provide lending of the last resort when the bankers could not lend due to the hoarding of cash in a crisis. The corporate paper was typically 90 days. When World War I came, Congress ordered the Fed to buy its paper because they would need to issue a lot of debt. They never returned the Fed to its original design to “stimulate” the economy by directly purchasing corporate paper to prevent companies from laying off employees. Therefore, the structural alteration of the Federal Reserve for World War I transformed the theory of Quantitative Easing into an INDIRECT stimulus rather than DIRECT. When the Fed bought only corporate paper, it directly stimulated the economy. When it was instructed only to buy only government paper, which the government NEVER pays off, any idea of the stimulus was wiped out, for at best, it became INDIRECT.

Then Roosevelt came, and he wanted to control everything. He seized the Federal Reserve and took the power of all the branches, and consolidated it into Washington. Section 203 of the Banking Act of 1935 changed the name of the “Federal Reserve Board” to the “Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.” Roosevelt’s Banking Act of 1935 also made major structural changes increasing the number of members of the Board appointed by the president from six to seven to ensure he now controlled the Fed. He created for himself the authority to designate one of the persons appointed as “chairman” of the Board and one as “vice-chairman” of the Board, each to serve in such role for a term of four years.


As I have explained in “Manipulating the World Economy,” there was a huge confrontation between the Federal Reserve and the White House. The Fed was directed during World War II to maintain par on US government bonds to fund the war. The Fed was ordered to engage in what we call Quantitative Easing. Then the Korean War came, and the Fed rebelled. They refused to continue to engage in Quantitative Easing. The Fed asserted its original independence over politics.

Politics began to creep back in during the Financial Crisis of 1998. The Federal Reserve then stepped in to bail out Long-Term Capital Management in 1998, a failed hedge fund, because if it did not, it would have taken down Goldman Sachs. So instead of allowing that, the Fed bailed out the hedge fund when they really had no authority to do so. That abuse of power led the Fed to then support the bankers who were engaged in manipulating markets to create guaranteed trades. The bankers warned if they failed, then the government would be broke for it was the bankers who bought the new debt and resold it.


Then the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 took place when the bankers got AIG to guarantee their dodgy mortgage-backed securities. When that all collapsed, the Federal Reserve again bailed out AIG, an insurance company that was operating from London, instead of the US banks. They claimed they did not have the authority to bail out Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, which were competitors of Goldman Sachs and investment banks. But they apparently had the authority to bail out an insurance company in London, which again saved Goldman Sachs. I believe they deliberately let two of the 5 investment banks fail to help Goldman Sachs rise to the top.

Now, the automated clearinghouse (ACH) system is changing to allow direct deposits from non-banks – i.e. Big Tech in repayment for censorship. On December 23, 2019, the Board approved modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks’ National Settlement Service and Fedwire Funds Service to support enhancements to the same-day ACH service preparing for digital currencies. On September 25, 2020, the Board amended the implementation date for certain modifications. They are preparing for a digital currency, but this means two things.

By this Fed expansion, they are planning for the long-term for the elimination of public debt, in which case there will no longer be primary dealer banks, and hence no need to bail out the banks when they blow up on trading, assuming they will still be allowed to trade in the future.

Once the Fed moves to create its own digital currency, it is no longer the independent entity it was once supposed to be. Welcome to the new 21st century of a hybrid central bank, end of primary dealers, and the elimination of government debt. All for your security, so you do not revolt when the government system collapses.

Friday, September 10, 2021

The real agenda is to replace local police with a federal police force with no local connections


Civil Unrest in Europe Rising

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This is Bern, Switzerland. Those in power are clearly using COVID to facilitate their financial crisis, which is right on target for 2022. Even in Italy, they are now turning against their own unions, for they have simply been bought and no longer defend worker’s rights. The demonstrations in Italy are escalating, and this is all coming to a head next year. This is the Great Reset, simply because they can no longer borrow and fund all the pensions. The next stage is simply to move toward an authoritarian government, for it is now just about them retaining power. The police are bloody idiots, and everything will depend on them. In the USA, they have deliberately used racism to demand the government DEFUNDS THE POLICE. These people are idiots, as the real agenda is to replace local police with a federal police force with no local connections — they are following the playbook from the Nika Revolt.


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In Italy, they are protesting, even yelling, “Assassinate!” The Italians have never been afraid to protest. They are going to have to protest to escape from the clutches of Mario Draghi and the EU under the control of the World Economic Forum.


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Meanwhile, Alitalia, Italy’s #1 airline, is on strike because of the COVID mandates. They are rejecting their own union, which has been bought out from above.

It is just amazing how blind so many people are. They think if they mandate vaccinations, then they will get their life back. The lack of independent thought is astounding, and common sense appears to be actually rare.