Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Those in power are often the people who have little experience in the real world and could not make it there so they gravitate toward government

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by Jones and his Infowars website. Other companies have rushed to join including Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify. The general reason is Jones’s podcasts are viewed as “hate content” which allows them to heavy fines in Europe. While I have appeared one time on his InfoWars, I do not create conspiracy scenarios nor do I agree with many. I look deeper than just the surface. I have stated bluntly that the forecasts made at Davos and the Bilderberg Meetings are ALWAYS wrong! Even the BBC asked why do economists get it so wrong? I have stated countless times that if there really was some giant conspiracy that controlled the world, they would NEVER call me in, to begin with. The far more scary reality is the powers that be are clueless and are ruling by the seat of their pants.
It just seems as if those in power are often the people who have little experience in the real world and could not make it there so they gravitate toward government and power. Sure, you can pretend to connect dots. However, you have to actually peek behind the curtain and then you are faced with a frightening reality – nobody is in charge and there is no long-term grand plan. I cannot see some new world order of one government EVER happening without war. You cannot get the Democrats and Republicans to agree in Congress. You really expect all world governments to ever agree to a SINGLE POWER?
Even the refugee crisis is nuts. In Britain, they call it racist to disagree. But Muslim is not a race. The reality of this is rather simple. You offer free handouts, healthcare, and paid vacations just to show up, and it is HUMAN NATURE to take advantage. This knows no race, gender, or creed limitation.
I have worked around the world. Politicians are the same everywhere. They will act ONLY out of their own self-interest. Adam Smith’s invisible hand remains supreme

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