Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Enslavement of Fear


QUESTION: I just can’t understand why the military armed forces and secret intelligence services all agree with the Marxist left.  Why?


ANSWER: Make no mistake about it. The left seeks to enslave everyone out of fear. The mass of the military, military establishment, and the intelligence services want war. They do not want peace. After the collapse of Communism, they did not like that. Their budgets were reduced and it inspired a feeling of not being needed. Then they needed to create a new enemy and that became terrorism. They had no nuclear arms and their ranks were the size of perhaps an enrollment in a university. But they needed to be pumped up into a global threat. They fully knew of the plan for 9/11. The first crew even drew the Twin Towers on the walls of their cell with planes going into them, advertising they would be victorious.

Among the rank and file, I get a lot of emails. According to soldiers sending in emails, they put it as pro-Trump being 70% and concede that the military will probably spit in a civil war. But the “military” does not include the National Guard. They are who Pelosi disrespected by calling them “weakened warriors” on a phone call to the Pentagon asking for Marines. Her attitude is similar to any dictator who seeks to retain power. They always expect the military to kill their own people. Just look at Venezuela.

However, you must also look deeper. I have written before about the Nika Revolt which is an incredibly important event that leaders are well aware of.  The troops inside Constantinople would not kill their own people and the emperor was about to flee the city. His wife told him to order in a legion that was not Greek and were encamped outside the city. He did. They came in and massacred 40,000 people.

Perhaps you are too young to remember the “Kent State Massacre” where the Ohio National Guard killed four unarmed and wounded nine other students on May 4, 1970.  Then 10 days later, on May 14, two students were killed (and 12 wounded) by police at Jackson State University in Mississippi. This was all about the protests over the Vietnam War. President Nixon established the President’s Commission on Campus Unrest. It concluded that the killings were unjustified. It was found that even if the guardsmen faced danger, it was not a danger that called for lethal force. The report declared that 61 shots fired by 28 guardsmen certainly cannot be justified. Apparently, no order to fire was given. They just panicked. It was held back then that the Kent State tragedy must mark the last time that, as a matter of course, loaded rifles are issued to guardsmen confronting student demonstrators. That probably will not be the case this week.

The Gallup Poll at the time was interesting for the view was 58% of the people blamed the students. Just like the Capitol Siege, they looked at all the photographs, and 24 students were indicted with the May 4 demonstration or with the one at the ROTC building fire three days before. Five cases, all related to the burning of the ROTC building, went to trial. One non-student defendant was convicted, two other non-students pleaded guilty, and one was acquitted. All other charges were dismissed. As for the National Guard, five guardsmen were indicted and claimed to have fired in self-defense which was accepted.

It was during the Russian Revolution where the government expected the military to fire on the people. Yeltsin stood on the tank and begged them not to kill their own people. The troops stood down and the government fell. We too will reach such a point. However, if you look at the actions of Pelosi and the rhetoric coming out of CNN that anyone who voted for Trump is a Nazi or a member of KKK, there is no intention of the Biden Administration to be inclusive. This is a leftist purge, and make no mistake about it, they will NEVER tolerate opposition. It is the very nature of all Marxists — they need total control to force their ideals upon the world.

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