Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Every Republic in history has turned into an oligarchy.


What is Klaus Schwab Really About? 

A lot of people are starting to feel as if Klaus Schwab is the anti-Christ. He is advocating that no one should buy or sell without a digital health certificate, and he advocates trans-humanism while insisting on lockdowns of even religion. I don’t know about being the anti-Christ, but he is a very sick and highly dangerous man. Any world leader who travels to his conferences should be thrown out of office.

What Schwab is doing is trying to take over the world, not by any democratic process, but by advocating tyranny. I have stated many times that the Founding Fathers did not understand Roman history. They assumed that Julius Caesar was some evil dictator and Cato with Cicero were the good guys. Unfortunately, they were not fully informed, for had they been informed, they would NEVER have advocated a Republic. Every Republic in history has turned into an oligarchy.

Schwab has sent his new Communist 3.0 Manifesto to every world leader and every governor/premier of every state and province around the world. He has been exploiting the danger of Republics, for they can promise you anything to get elected and then do exactly the opposite. This is what a “representative” form of government is all about. The Founding Fathers were not fully aware that the Roman Senate was never “elected” by the people. Senators were only the aristocrats — never the plebs. There was no right to vote afforded to the people and this is precisely where we find ourselves once again. Tell us anything, and do precisely the opposite.

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